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Technology Robots Are Finding Their Way Into Painting Technology

Solutions for the automation and digitalization of painting processes are a big topic for both wages and in-house coaters.

“It is at this point not simply an issue of robotizing individual work of art steps, yet of systems administration the cycle chain,” says Jürgen Haußmann, Managing Director of fair, the coordinator of the Paintexpo exchange fair. At the exchange fair Karlsruhe, in addition to other things, multi-pivot robots and robot shower corners exceptionally intended for the covering business for wet work of art and powder covering will be introduced. They consolidate the top-notch and reproducibility of robot painting with an adaptable and financially savvy arrangement that likewise empowers medium-sized and little organizations to begin with robot-computerized painting.

Computerization starts with the pretreatment of the parts to be painted. Batman Robotics, Düsseldorf, has grown completely computerized robots explicitly for a dependable impacting process that can be recreated with the proper harshness and pinnacle number. You can involve all abrasives in all grain sizes and shapes just as the ideal shaft dispersing and point. These stream robots with molecule velocities of up to 200 m/s clean metal parts a lot quicker, yet additionally accomplish a reproducibly better construction with a bigger surface, which positively affects the attachment of the covering to be applied.

Light Paint Dosing Pump Relieves The Robot Arm

Robots additionally guarantee reproducible outcomes while applying paint. To decrease the heap on the robot arms, Oerlikon Barmag, Remscheid, has fostered an especially light paint dosing siphon: the GP451C weighs under 1 kg. “The generally low weight of the GP451C can be decreased significantly further assuming it is fabricated utilizing added substance producing,” clarifies Thorsten Wagener. The siphon has a wide speed range (20 – 240 rpm) and hence covers an enormous release range. Makers can, in this manner, manage without the utilization of a few siphons of various sizes.

BZ Brush, Ornbau is likewise seeing expanding interest for computerization answers for covering applications. The organization, thusly, creates robot framework ideas that are exclusively customized to the individual client and application prerequisites. Modern instruments and consistent brushes made of fibers, froths or felt are utilized. This additionally incorporates a robot arrangement that completely naturally and unequivocally applies a bond advertiser to plastic parts. Contrasted with customary application choices, for example, showering or manual utilization of fluids, the arrangement offers huge added esteem as far as material reserve funds, process unwavering quality, and the decrease of discharges.

SLF, Emsdetten, has the new Reco-Painter paint entry for the programmed covering of huge, rectangular parts, for example, box bodies for trailers and holders with low undermine. Specific accentuation was put on simple dealing with and activity. This is essential because of the programmed shape acknowledgment of the parts, which disposes of the generally mind-boggling programming of the part math. The set-up times for a shading change are short because of the decentralized paint supply. The new work of art entrance can likewise be coordinated into existing lodges.

As indicated by the Czech paint shop maker Galatek, robot painting is one of the most fascinating and most powerfully creating areas of surface treatment. It is especially essential to really look at the appropriateness for the particular part with respect to the shape and size of the workpieces and the limit. The organization offers virtual activity as well as its own exploration office. Their primary errand is to do the tests and to check the reasonableness of the chosen innovation by and by. There is a little, non-business painting office with a research facility for assessing the experimental outcomes.

The Simulation Of The Painting Processes

Shortens Commissioning

The recreation of the composition interaction is moving increasingly more into the center. For instance, mimics the artistic creation process in computerized covering frameworks with a modern 6-pivot robot, for instance with different shower frameworks. This abbreviates an opportunity to set up and commission the client up to 30% contrasted with different frameworks.

All stations of an organized cycle are obviously shown – from packed air age to ink supply and shading change to paint application by a work of art robot and, at last, an ERP-based arrangement of extra and wear parts.

Notwithstanding programs for manual instructing, answers for disconnected writing computer programs are currently likewise accessible for programming the robot’s movement groupings. Merged Information Technologies, Haid/Austria, has grown such a product instrument with Automappps Offline. Automappps can be utilized for covering, cleaning, and sanding – or it can likewise be utilized to naturally recognize and address abandons on vehicle bodies. The robot denotes the imperfection, grinds it again and shines it. The product decides the maintenance tracks on the body, the robots and the handling grouping for each deformity. The product designs the developments of the robots so they don’t slam into the part or cell, nor with each other.

With advanced powder covering, further productivity potential can be utilized: A unique shape laser scanner from Gema, St. Gallen/Switzerland, empowers a serious level of robotization by perceiving even the most perplexing item calculations and putting each firearm in the right situation for the reason Coating parts to an undeniable level. The item traces are recorded definitively. Wise parts in blend with the related fundamental control with 3D programming naturally decipher the article shape, change the covering boundaries appropriately and position the weapon tomahawks independently. (SK)

Paintexpo Trade Fair Postponed

The date for the eighth Paintexpo in Karlsruhe has been delayed to October 12-15, 2020 due to the Covid. The exchange fair for modern work of art innovation covers the

whole cycle chain in wet and UV painting just as powder covering and loop covering. The fair has filled constantly as of late. Around 16,000 m2 of net show space is made arrangements for this year.

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